Creating email campaigns with the Marketing Funnels feature is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:
Start by finding the Campaigns tab of your Marketing Funnels dashboard. Click + Create an Email Campaign.
Choose a template that suits your campaign's purpose. Currently, there is an option between “classic” and “newsletter” templates.
Provide your campaign details, such as the body text, a header image, a subject line, and a call to action button link. This information should be concise and engaging to encourage your audience to open your email.
Personalize your email with all the correct contact properties (the email you want to send it from, the name that will appear, etc).
If you want to include images, videos, or documents in your email, attach them using the file attachment option.
We always recommend you preview your email to make sure everything looks as intended. Click "See how your email looks” at the bottom of the email builder.
Once you’re done building, either hit ‘send’ or schedule any day and time you want your campaign to send. When you hit ‘save and send’, your email campaign will appear on your dashboard as “Pending”.