How to Subscribe to Planoly

If you are looking to subscribe to a paid plan, you can follow the steps below to do so on our web dashboard.

Row 54 - How to Subscribe to Planoly

How to Subscribe to a Paid Plan from the Web Dashboard

  1. Click on the Menu Bar in the top right corner (the 3 lines) if you're on the Instagram planner 
  2. Or if you're on the Multi-Channel Workspace, click on the profile icon in the bottom left  
  3. Choose Billing
  4. Click Upgrade
  5. Choose the right plan for you by clicking on Select Plan
  6. Choose either yearly or monthly at the top and add any additional social sets or users (if applicable)
    Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 11.03.58 AM
  7. Fill out the payment information 
  8. Click Pay Now
  9. You are now subscribed! 

Please Note: To add a coupon, this must be done through the billing page once you are signed into your account. A coupon cannot be applied if you subscribe through Apple's In-App Purchases or the Google Play Store. 

Additional Resources: For more information on subscriptions through Apple or Google Play, please visit the app store.