How to Use Placeholders for Instagram Planner

Plan like a pro with Placeholders! Add temporary spots to your Instagram grid to map out your content visually before posting.

Row 47 - How to Use Placeholders for Instagram

What is a Placeholder?

A placeholder saves a spot on your Instagram visual planning grid until you determine what content you want to replace it with. 

How to Create a Placeholder

  1. Click on +New Post
  2. Click on the Placeholder option
  3. Pick a color from a selection of 12 colors for your placeholder
  4. Enter a label to appear on your placeholder to remind you of what you want to plan Screen Shot 2021-08-18 at 10.41.13 AM
  5. Upload your Placeholder as a 1 Post or as a Carousel Post
  6. Your placeholder has now been added to your grid
  7. To swap out the Placeholder with your image, click on the 'swap' icon in the bottom left-hand cornerPlaceholders1
  8. Pick the source you’d like to upload your new content from
  9. Upload the image, and click Save
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Please Note: This feature is only available through the Instagram Planner at this time.