1. Creator Store Rebrand Help Guides

Snipfeed Rebrand

Why are you rebranding Snipfeed to Planoly Creator Store?

We want to leverage the power of the Planoly brand to provide you with an even better storefront experience aimed at helping you make more money.

Do I have to do anything?

No! You don’t need to do anything ahead of this change or at the time of the change.

Can I customize my 'support me' button?

Your current customization will stay as it is, but if you decide to make any updates, you’ll no longer be able to customize the ‘support me’ button anymore.

Do I have to start using Planoly’s Social Planner features?

No, but you are welcome to if you’d like! 😊

Will my subscription change?

No, your subscription and payment processing information won’t change at this time.

Will my link change?

Your Snipfeed link will redirect to planoly.store after we make this switch. Your existing Snipfeed link will continue to work and your customers will still be able to easily access your store.

Snipfeed.co and your login page will redirect to Planoly pages. We’ll make this experience seamless for you!

Will the rebrand affect my store’s branding or how it appears to customers?

Yes! We will be updating the Snipfeed branding on Planoly

Will my data and store information remain secure during the transition?

Yes, absolutely! Your data and store information will remain safe and secure throughout the migration. We’ve taken every precaution to ensure a seamless transition, so you can continue using your store with confidence.