Zapier is a tool for automating your workflows, connecting your apps, and making your life much easier (reducing time spent on repetitive tasks).
How does Zapier work?
Zapier is the simplest way for you to move info from one app to another. It’s automatic, and you can tell Zapier exactly how and when to send the information to 5000+ apps.
From building your mailing list on Mailchimp to tracking growth on an Excel spreadsheet and triggering specialized email campaigns on Convert Kit, allow your business to continue moving while you’re offline with Creator Store.
You can connect just about any app to start automating. Check it out and get started here.
See how it all works via Zapier’s resources.
How to connect Zapier with your Creator Store page
It’s easy to set up your Zapier integration - follow the steps below to get started.
1. First, set up your Zapier page here (skip to the next step if you already have one).
2. Set up your first Trigger (i.e. New Livestream order). This will run as a test to check your Integration is set up correctly, so try to pick a monetization feature that has purchases, or create a new free feature and download/purchase it yourself (Zapier will look for recent customers to test the connection).
3. You’ll then be prompted to add your API Key.
4. To find your API Key, simply head to the Settings tab, then Integrations. Copy your unique API key in the Zapier section.
5. Paste your API key into Zapier.
6. You’ll then be able to test the Trigger on your Creator Store account. Pick an app on Zapier you’d like to move info over to from your Creator Store, making sure you’ve already set up the integration on the second app you choose (e.g. Mailchimp).
7. Pick a trigger on your Creator Store (e.g. when someone purchases exclusive content). If Zapier tells you no customers are found, go back to step 3.
8. Once the test is complete, you’re good to go!
How can creators use Zapier with Creator Store?
There are tons of ways you can utilize Zaps with Creator Store - we included a few examples below.
Example 1: When someone signs up to your mailing list via your Creator Store page, choose the details you’d like to be added to a Google sheet.
Example 3: Each customer who buys your Exclusive Content on Creator Store will be automatically added to Mailchimp as a contact.