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How to Create Your Sellit Shop in our Instagram Planner

Sellit allows you to sell physical or digital products through a micro-landing page managed in Planoly. To access Sellit, you will need to be on a paid plan on the Web Dashboard.

How to Get Started:

1. Log into your Planoly account on the Web Dashboard and go to your Instagram Planner  
2. Click on the Sellit page at the top of your screen.
3. Hover over the left panel to view the four options: STORE tab, PRODUCTS tab, ANALYTICS tab, and PAYMENTS tab.
4. Click on +add description to add a description of your business. 
5. A new window will pop up to write a quick summary of your shop.
6. You can also customize Sellit by showcasing a featured section and selecting a button color.
7. Click on ADD LINK, to customize the button name and include a URL for any website. 
8. Fill in the link details for the top 2 buttons.
9. Add products & pricing from the price tag tab.
10. View performance from the analytics tab.
11. Set up Sellit payments. More info here.  


Planoly Pro Tip: Within the Store tab view, you’ll be able to see a preview of your digital storefront on the left.