1. Social Channels, Linking, and Auto-Posting
  2. How to Link and Auto-Post to Every Channel

How to Link and Auto-Post to Facebook

Auto-posting to Facebook is available in both our Instagram Planner and Multi-Channel Workspace on the web dashboard and mobile app.

What we cover in this article:

How to Link to Facebook

How to Auto-Post to Facebook on Web

How to Auto-Post to Facebook on Mobile

How to Auto-Post Facebook Stories and Reels

What are the Feature Limitations?

How to Link to Facebook

Multi-Channel Workspace

  1. Log into your Planoly account on web 
  2. From the account switcher in the top left, select Add & Edit Social Connections to navigate to your Social Sets Manager page
  3. From the icons within your workspace, click on the Facebook icon
  4. A pop-up will show up and from there, click on Link Facebook from the bottom  
  5. Follow the flow to get linked and make sure the correct FB page is checked and that all permissions are turned on
  6. Once you are linked, you should see the screen below showing you successfully linked
  7. From there, you can confirm it was linked by seeing it show up in your social icons at the top  

Instagram Planner

  1. Log into your Planoly account on web 
  2. Click on New Post and upload a post
  3. Click on where it says Auto-post to Facebook 
  4. From this screen, click on Link Facebook at the bottom and follow the steps to get your Facebook authenticated with Planoly
  5. After that, you should be linked! 

Please Note: You can only link a Facebook page via our web dashboard. Once you link a Facebook page on the web, you will be able to use it on both the web dashboard and mobile app. 

How to Auto-Post to Facebook from the Web Dashboard

Multi-Channel Workspace

  1. Log into your Planoly account on web
  2. Switch into your Multi-Channel Workspace or create a new Multi-Channel Workspace if you do not already have one set up
  3. Click on the calendar icon on the left and click on New Post 
  4. Select Facebook from the icons at the top, choose which type of post you want to upload it as, choose Auto-Post from the dropdown, and select a date and time to schedule your post  
  5. Create your caption, add hashtags, etc. 
  6. Select either a date you want to auto-post this or select a date for your reminder notification  
  7. Once complete, choose Schedule at the top 
  8. Now, you should see your post scheduled on your grid with an auto-post icon! 

Please Note: You can auto-post single images, image-only carousels, or single videos as standard posts. Multiple videos or videos and images in a carousel are not supported by Facebook API.

Instagram Planner

  1. Log into your account on web and either create a new post or open an existing unscheduled post
  2. When your content is ready to schedule, make sure the toggle is turned on for auto-posting to Facebook in order to schedule your desired date and time
  3. Select a date and time
  4. Your content will automatically post to your Facebook Business Page (as long as it meets all of the feature and image requirements here)

Planoly Pro Tip: When scheduling posts to Facebook through Instagram Planner, you can edit the image and caption for your Facebook auto-posts.

How to Auto-Post to Facebook from the Mobile App

Multi-Channel Workspace

  1. Log into the Planoly mobile app and switch into your Multi-Channel Workspace  .           
  2. Once in the correct workspace, click on the '+' at the bottom to add a new post 
  3. Select which type of post you want (i.e. Page Post or Story)
  4. Then schedule your post as an auto-post by toggling on the auto-post option and choosing the date and time you want it to go out 
  5. Once finished, click on Schedule at the bottom of the screen
  6. You should be all set! 

Instagram Planner

  1. Log into the Planoly mobile app and make sure you are switched into Instagram Planner 
  2. Once in the correct workspace, click on the '+' at the bottom to add a new post
  3. Select where you want to upload your media from
  4. Once you have uploaded your media, enter in your caption, hashtags, etc. and choose a date and time to schedule your auto-post
  5. Make sure the toggle for auto-post to Facebook is turned on
  6. Once your post is ready, click Save 
  7. You should see the auto-post icon (blue 'S' with a paper airplane) which means it's scheduled for auto-post 
  8. You're all set! 

Please Note: You can link a Personal Facebook account, but can only post to a Facebook Business page.

What are the Feature Limitations of Auto-Posting to Facebook?

Included Features

  • Only posts from your Instagram account will be shared to the connected Facebook Business Page (through IG Planner only)
  • Location tags will auto-post to your Facebook Business Page
  • Single image, image-only carousel, or single video
  • Stories and Reels

Features Not Included

  • Location tagging 

  • Facebook Analytics

  • No posting to FB groups

  • User tagging
  • Shopping tagging 
  • Branded content tagging 
  • URLs in captions
  • Multiple videos or videos and images in a carousel 

Image Requirements 

  • JPEG, PNG, BMP, and non-animated GIFs must be within the 4:5 to 1:91:1 ratio

Video Requirements 

  • File Size: 100MB maximum
  • File Type: MOV or MP4
  • Frame Rate: 23-60 frames per second (slow-motion videos are typically 120 or 240 FPS)
  • Picture Size: Width of video HD (1920 pixel width)
  • No vertical or portrait-mode videos
  • Duration: 3 seconds minimum – 10 minutes maximum 

Additional Information: Here is more about Facebook auto-posting via the Multi-Channel Workspace.