How to Create Carousel Posts

You can plan and schedule manual and auto-post for Carousels on both the Mobile App and Web Dashboard in the Instagram Planner and Multi-channel Workspace.

How to Upload Carousel Posts 

Multi-Channel Workspace

  1. Log into Planoly and navigate to the Multi-Channel Workspace
  2. Once there, click on the New Post button at the top
  3. Then, go ahead and select Instagram, or whatever other social channel you wish to post a carousel to
  4. Start adding your media by clicking on Select a File near the bottom. You can either upload up to 10 media files at once or add each file in one by one. 
  5. If you do not like the order in which your posts are in, you can always move them around in the correct order.
  6. You will then see your carousel show up. Add in your caption, hashtags, etc. and make sure to either save as a draft or schedule it for auto-post!

Instagram Planner

  1. On either the Web Dashboard or Mobile App, click on the '+' to upload your content to your grid
  2. Select your content to upload
  3. Choose Upload as Carousel
  4. From your grid, open up your carousel to add your caption
  5. Choose a time and date you want your auto-post to send out OR click on Post Now to post it right away
  6. If you choose to schedule your post for later, make sure to click on Save

Please Note: You can rearrange the images in your carousel by clicking and dragging them into place. This can be done on both web and mobile for Instagram Planner and the Multi-Channel Workspace. Each time you rearrange a post in your carousel, it counts as an upload on the Starter plan. 

Planoly Pro Tip: When posting via Post Now or push notification, as soon as you click the link or notification, your image is removed from your grid and placed in your History (found in the menu on the mobile app). Once you post it, Instagram then sends the image back to your Planoly grid as a posted image.

How to Merge Single Posts into a Carousel from the Web Dashboard

Instagram Planner

  1. Go to your Instagram Planner on the Planoly Web Dashboard
  2. Select the single post images that you would like to Merge into a Carousel Post and click Merge       
  3. Click MergeMerge & Save      
  4. The single-image posts have now been merged into a Carousel Post
  5. You can schedule your carousel for auto-post or post it right away
  6. If a caption is present on any posts, they will be combined as well


Please Note: Once you merge content, this action cannot be undone. You can only merge grid posts into other grid posts. You cannot merge Stories posts into other Stories posts. 

You can only merge carousels on the Instagram Planner at this time. This is not available on the Multi-Channel Workspace. 


Planoly Pro Tip: You can also utilize the 'Post Now' feature on your mobile device if you wish to post immediately. A friendly reminder, the 'Post Now' feature is not currently available on the web dashboard.

You cannot manually post to Instagram from our Multi-Channel workspace. This can only be done through our Instagram planner. 

Carousel Post Guidelines
Carousel posts are eligible for auto-posting via our mobile app and web dashboard. Users can customize their Carousel captions for Instagram and Facebook, as well as add a first comment to their Instagram Carousel post. Below are some of Instagram's limitations or you can read more about Instagram Guidelines and Limitations.
  • Up to 10 media items can be added to a carousel post
  • Rearranging posts within a carousel counts as an upload 
  • Size Limit: 8MB Maximum
  • Image Types: BMP, JPEG, PNG
  • Ratio Specs: Within a 4:5 to 1.91:1 aspect ratio range
  • All images are required to be the same size as the first image on the carousel