1. Content Creation & Organization

How to Use Teamwork

Get ready to elevate your teamwork with our latest feature: Teamwork. Say goodbye to solo projects and spreadsheets and hello to our newest feature that allows team members to collaborate right in Planoly!

Please Note: Only Planoly paid plans and free trials have access to Teamwork in the Multi-Channel Workspace on web and mobile.

How to Use Teamwork on Web 

  1. From your Multi-channel Workspace, select the Calendar tab for a New Post or a Drafted Post OR select the Media Library tab to create New Media or open an existing media
  2. In the upper right corner, for a Post or Media, click on the Comment Bubble to begin commenting
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 11.58.57 AM

  3. The Teamwork comment box will appear
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.01.35 PM
  4. From here, type your notes, feedback, or comments and click the send arrow
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.39.56 PM
  5. Team members in the Workspace will then be notified via email that a new comment has been left for review

How to Use User Tagging in Teamwork

  • With User Tagging you can @mention any Team Member in the Workspace
  • By tagging a Team Member it will notify that Team Member only via email notification
  • You can tag as many Team Members as needed

Planoly Requirement: Users must opt into emails to get new comment notifications. Click here for how to manage your notifications. 


Once comments are left, users can:

    • Modify Owned Comments 

      • Editing 

      • Copy Link To Comment 

      • Deleting a comment

    • Share Comments Owned By Other Users

      • Copy Link To Comment

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.40.09 PM

Please Note: Users can access comments via Media Library or Posts via the Comment Bubble

  • To access via Posts, the Post Group needs to be saved 

  • To access via Media Library, the Media needs to be saved

  • If a Media or Post is not saved before commenting, you will receive an error message:

How to Use Teamwork on Mobile