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Understanding Account States in Planoly: Reminder-Only, Linked, and Removed

Learn about the different account states in Planoly—Reminder-Only, Linked, and Removed—and how they help you manage your social media planning seamlessly.

In this guide we’ll cover the 3 states your social accounts can be in:

  1. Reminder-only Accounts
  2. Linked Accounts
  3. Removed/Deleted Accounts

Reminder-Only Accounts

If you're new to Planoly, you'll notice we've set up your account with reminder-only accounts by default. This approach helps you jump into content planning quickly and easily. These reminder accounts offer a flexible way to get started with social media planning – whether you're just exploring our platform or have an Instagram personal account that can't be directly linked.

With Reminder-Only Accounts, you can:

  • Design and plan your content in advance
  • Receive timely notifications for your scheduled posts on your smartphone
  • Manually publish content across your social platforms

Reminder-only accounts cannot:

  • Auto-post your content
  • Retrieve your Instagram Grid 
  • Retrieve Analytics in our Instagram Planner

Linked Accounts

Linked accounts let you take full advantage of your social channels. Linking accounts require you to sign in to the social channel and grant permission to Planoly to retrieve your social profile data and post content on your behalf. We strongly recommend linking all your socials to take advantage of all the features in reminder-only accounts plus the following features:

  • Auto-post your content
  • See your social profile avatar
  • Retrieve your Instagram Grid 
  • Retrieve Analytics in our Instagram Planner

Switching Account States

You can change the state of your social account at any time. Switching from a linked account to a reminder account will preserve all your posts and content associated with that account, and if anything was scheduled to auto-post it will be changed to a reminder notification.

Removed Accounts

You can also delete a social account from Planoly. Whether it is a reminder-only account or a linked account, deleting the account will unlink and fully remove all content and posts associated with that social account. This action cannot be undone so proceed with caution. 

By understanding these account states, you can customize your Planoly experience to suit your social media management needs best, giving you the flexibility to plan, schedule, and optimize your content strategy—happy planning!