1. Log into your Facebook account (not Business Page) from a computer
  2. In the top right, click your profile icon 
  3. Select Settings & privacy, then choose Settings
  4. On the left side, tap on Business Integrations
  5. You should see Planoly listed under Active at the top, or search for it using the search bar to the right
  6. Select the business integration for Planoly, click Remove, and it should be removed. *Note: Once you've removed this business integration from your account it can no longer manage your Page on Planoly. View removed business integrations under the Removed tab at the top   
    1. Log out of Facebook
    2. Log back into your Planoly account from a computer
    3. In the top right corner, navigate to My Profile and scroll down to Manage Social Connections and Users Manage Social Sets
    4. From the Social Sets Manager, click on the social profile that needs to be re-authenticated
    5. Follow the re-authentication flow to get re-connected
    6. Once you re-connect the social profile, you will no longer see the re-authentication error!

Planoly Pro-Tip: If you’re still unable to re-authenticate your account successfully, we recommend contacting Instagram to see how they can further assist you with your Facebook Page/account as there can be an issue on Facebook’s end that they may need to look further into. 

Additional Resources: 

Want to learn more about authenticating your Instagram and Facebook accounts and get started auto-posting? Check out our helpful articles below!

How to set up Auto-post:

Auto-post Troubleshooting: